committed to creating pathways for single mothers to experience effortless living, abundance, and stability for generations to come.

our focus.

  • Canceling Shame Culture

    With a holistic approach, we restore the dignity of single mothers by evolving their perception of self. One that declares she is capable, stable, & worthy of experiencing a life of ease.

  • Career Strategy

    Our programs and initiatives equip single mothers with paradigms, capacity building, and professional skills to establish a life of abundance for her present and generations to come.

  • Luxurious Living

    Encouraging single mother’s to flow into a life of effortless living in their homes, communities, and access to green spaces.

our programs.

  • In our workforce development programs, moms are introduced to educational options, certifications, and entrepreneurial advise to aide in providing a stable home environment and career longevity.

  • Rooted in the belief that β€œtogether gets us further, faster” 6-8 moms will collaboratively embark on a journey of healing through shared experience, motivation, and accountability.

Journey with us: @legacyluxuryacademy

You never know the places we will go!